View resume as a PDF here.

Professional Experience

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Software Engineer Intern

(Incoming) January 2025

Machine Learning for Full Self-Driving (FSD).

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Sandia National Laboratories
HPC Software Engineer Intern

January 2024 - Present

Design, acquisition, deployment, operation, and optimization of Sandias large-scale scientific HPC clusters and their supporting platforms.

Full Stack Software Engineer Intern

October 2022 - January 2024

Full Stack web application developer in Ruby on Rails.

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Center for Advanced Research Computing
HPC Systems Specialist

May 2023 - Present

Supporting users on UNM HPC clusters, helping with introduction workshops for new users with varying levels of experience, holding open office hours for CARC users. Benchmarking, profiling, & reporting.

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The University of New Mexico
Teaching Assistant

August 2024 - Present

Teaching Assistant for CS491: High Performance Computing.

Teaching Assistant

January 2024 - May 2024

Teaching Assistant for CS491: High Performance Computing.

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The Air Force Research Laboratory
Software Engineer Intern

August 2022 - December 2022

Cyber Resilience Team, Space Vehicles Directorate at KAFB


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The University of New Mexico
B.S. Computer Science w/ Minor in Mathematics

August 2022 - December 2024

Extracurricular Competitions

SC24 Student Cluster Competition
Team Manager

June 2024 - December 2024

With sponsorship from hardware and software vendor partners, competing student teams design and build small HPC clusters, learn scientific applications, and apply optimization techniques for their chosen architectures in a non-stop, 48-hour challenge. More info here.

Winter Classic Invitational Student Cluster Competition
Team Manager

January 2024 - May 2024

View team site here.

ISC24 Virtual Student Cluster Competition
Team Manager

January 2024 - April 2024

View competition site here.

SC23 Student Cluster Competition
Team Manager

August 2023 - December 2023

More info here.

Winter Classic Invitational Student Cluster Competition
Team Manager

January 2023 - May 2023

View team site here.

NASA Minds Team Chili House
Machine Learning Team

November 2022 - May 2023

View PDR here.


UNM School of Engineering
Peer Mentor

January 2023 - Present

UNM Engineering Student Success Center (ESS).

PEARC24 Conference
Student Volunteer

July 2024

PEARC conference series.

International Conference for Performance Engineering (ICPE)
Member of Artifact Evaluation Committee

January 2024 - May 2024

2024 ICPE committee.

NM Supercomputing Challenge
Project Evaluation Committee Member

February 2024

Supercomputing Challenge website.